Speaking Engagements

Finacity facilitates daily funding and reporting at an annual run rate of over $100 billion in receivables with obligors in more than 175 countries

Alternative Finance: An Overview Of The Receivables Finance Market

Oct, 2017 by Darren Davies

SPEAKER: Charles Nahum


TXF Geneva 2017

Finacity’s Charles Nahum participated in panel discussion on Trade Receivables finance that focused on both new products within the receivables finance segment as well as new sources of funding for the asset class. The ability to finance receivables has grown to include both middle market corporates whose diverse client base lend themselves to securitization as well a resurgence of the product with several subsets of large corporates. As consolidation continues for large corporates and as middle market players seek to include more jurisdictions based on their expanding international client bases, receivables financing is being utilized more broadly as a financing tool. The traditional funding sources for these types of products was broadly discussed with a particular focus on non-bank funding sources including direct access to the capital markets.

The growing need for alternative financing sources was discussed in some detail as well as the ability of Finacity Capital Management to provide principal financing as well as the necessary structuring and reporting expertise that underlie securitizations of receivables for corporates of all types and especially those in the middle market. The session provided practical insight into trade receivables financing as a source of liquidity and the different products that are available in this market segment. Finacity’s 16 year track record in the Industry provided key reference points for both specific transactions and market trends.

Visit the conference website at: https://www.txfnews.com/Events/Event/80/TXF-Geneva-2017